* Contains utility functions (higher order combinators)
* @see {@link utils}
* @name utils
* @alias utils
* @namespace
module.exports = function (jiffClient) {
* Create an array of secret shares and associated deferred.
* @method
* @memberof utils
* @param {number} count - number of secret shares
* @param {Array} holders - the parties that hold all the corresponding shares (must be sorted)
* @param {number} threshold - the min number of parties needed to reconstruct the secret
* @param {number} Zp - the mod under which this share was created
* @return {object} the secret share object containing the give value
jiffClient.utils.many_secret_shares = function (count, holders, threshold, Zp) {
var deferreds = [];
var shares = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var deferred = new jiffClient.helpers.Deferred();
shares.push(new jiffClient.SecretShare(deferred.promise, holders, threshold, Zp));
return {shares: shares, deferreds: deferreds};
* Resolve the array of deferreds with the values of the given shares when ready, matched by index
* @method
* @memberof utils
* @param {Deferred[]} deferreds - the deferred to resolve
* @param {SecretShare[]} shares - the shares to resolve with
jiffClient.utils.resolve_many_secrets = function (deferreds, shares) {
for (var i = 0; i < deferreds.length; i++) {
* Combines all the promises of the given share into a single promise that is resolved when
* all shares are resolved
* @method
* @methodof utils
* @param {SecretShare[]} shares - the shares whose promises should be joined
jiffClient.utils.all_promises = function (shares) {
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < shares.length; i++) {
return Promise.all(promises);
* A high level combinator for iteration of bit arrays
* It executes a round of (func) starting from index start to the length (supports backwards if start > length) excluding length
* Every round is blocked until the previous one finishes and the promise produced by it
* is resolved
* The final value is used to resolve deferred
* @method
* @memberof utils
* @param {!Deferred} deferred - the deferred to resolve with the final output
* @param {!number} start - the index to start from
* @param {!number} length - the index to stop at (excluding it)
* @param {?object} initial - an initial aggregator value
* @param {!function(number, object)} func - the aggregator function to apply to the elements in order, takes the index and the aggregator value so far
* @param {?function(object)} [promisify] - if initial is not null, this is called prior to starting combinator, to turn initial
* into a promise of the actually used initial value(in case it has to be resolved),
* defaults to promisifying a SecretShare with .wThen
* @param {?function(object)} [valufy] - applied to the final result to turn it into a value, which is then used to resolve deferred,
* defaults to getting value of a SecretShare
jiffClient.utils.bit_combinator = function (deferred, start, length, initial, func, promisify, valufy) {
if (promisify == null) {
promisify = function (share) {
return {then: share.wThen.bind(share)};
if (valufy == null) {
valufy = function (share) {
return share.value;
var next = start <= length ? 1 : -1;
var __bit_combinator = function (start, val) {
if (start === length) {
// done
// execute func once
val = func(start, val);
// when done, do next iteration
promisify(val).then(function () {
__bit_combinator(start + next, val);
// start combinator
if (initial == null) {
__bit_combinator(start, initial);
} else {
promisify(initial).then(function () {
__bit_combinator(start, initial);